Products made in Barcelona full of crafts, design, efficiency and silence

As hood manufacturers, we are able to develop and innovate with the best design and technology to adapt constantly to our market.

Frecan is conceived as a life project in which its core strengths are clear: the transmission of values, the proximity, the experience, the commitment and the creativity/quality/efficiency that makes us flexible and capable to adaptation to different circumstances. This allows us to apply our clients suggestions with agility and efficiency, and for this reason our products guarantee an exclusive finish and care.


Most Frecan hoods are made in Spain, using only the highest quality materials. With the purpose of not depending on large international supply chains and curbing transportation needs, our suppliers are basically local, reducing delivery times to our customers, generating a circular economy and contributing to local growth


We show the company’s +25 years of experience in building kitchen extraction solutions that surprise and inspire. We have invested strongly on innovation, constantly improving our facilities. Because not only our products must be more efficient every day, but the tools with whom we perform the manufacturing process.


All hoods are energy efficient having been provided with LED lighting and low-voltage motors, the most silent motors, the most efficient electronics and great extraction power.

We incorporate the most efficient technology to reduce the consumption of our products: We offer a high-quality product to ensure a long useful life and being committed firmly for recirculation systems with the single aim that, not only us, but to support our customers to reduce emissions, as well. Because taking care of our planet is everyone’s business.


craftsmanship, highest-grade materials, the efficiency of the elements, a selection of unique designs, and custom installation options – these factors make Frecan range hoods the perfect choice for the modern luxury kitchen.

Products made in Barcelona full of crafts, design, efficiency and silence

Hood manufacturers Barcelona

Discover more

Frecan en el corazón de tu cocina, testigo de reuniones y cómplice de encuentros. Especialistas en campanas extractoras de cocina de alta gama:

Campanas de techo | Campanas integrables | Campanas de pared | Campanas a medida


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