How to clean your extractor hood

When was the last time you looked under your range hood and checked out the hood filters? If it’s been awhile, here’s what you need to know…

How to clean your extractor hood

The cooker hood works hard to keep the kitchen smelling fresh, so it’s only fair that you pay it some care and attention every so often.

To maintain and ensure its full operation, it is vital to learn how to clean the cooker hood correctly, both externally and internally.

The main purpose of a range hood filter is to collect grease and ickiness and over time the the filter may become so blocked that it loses its effectiveness and the performance. Worst-case scenario, extreme dirt can lead to the motor clogging up, breaking the hood or too can also result in fire.

If you don’t know for where to begin, just follow our simple guide. These maintenance tips will make sure your hood is in top working order for as long as possible.

How to clean the filters

How to clean the filters
The extractor hood filters can be cleaned by hand or directly, put them in the dishwasher.
If we clean the filters by hand, then, we give you some tricks

  1. First, the filters must be carefully removed and, spray them with the anti-grease.
  2. Now it’s time to wait for the anti-grease to take effect and soak into the filters. For this you have to let it take about 10 or 20 minutes.
  3. When the indicated time has elapsed, wipe it with a damp cloth to remove the thickest dirt.
  4. For dirt that has become more encrusted, rub with a brush. Depending on the thickness of the filter, use a brush of the corresponding thickness, and if necessary, a toothbrush for smaller filters.
  5. To finish, rinse with water while continuing to rub. In this way we will make sure to eradicate the rest of the dirt and leave the filters in an optimal state. And then, let it dry in the sun.

How to clean a inside cooker hood

While the filters are in the dishwasher or soaking, it’s time to give the hood’s interior a good clean, as grease and other dirt can seep through onto the inner surfaces si hace mucho tiempo que no lava bien su campana extractora.

Use a sponge and a non-abrasive cleaning agent to clean the inside surfaces. But above all, make sure you dry it well, as well as the filter, before reinstalling it.

Here we give you some advice…
You don’t always need to make your hood work as high intensity. If you’re only boiling something on the hob, the lowest speed on your cooker hood will be enough to deal with the steam. However, if you’re doing heavy frying, then using the highest speed will ensure all that grease and smoke is extracted effectively.

Maintaining the cooker hood really revolves around good cleaning habits. Keep the appliance clean, and it’ll keep on keeping the air in your kitchen fresh.

Discover more

The epicenter of these festivities is next to the stoves, it begins in the kitchen, with the Christmas smells and and the warm memories.

Is it easy to fit my own hood? We show you how to do it!

Frecan en el corazón de tu cocina, testigo de reuniones y cómplice de encuentros. Especialistas en campanas extractoras de cocina de alta gama:

Campanas de techo | Campanas integrables | Campanas de pared | Campanas a medida


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