Ceiling Hoods | New 8-layer stainless steel filters

At Frecan, we have redesigned our ceiling hoods to include new 8-layer stainless steel filters.

This innovation, not only enhances performance but also simplifies daily life.

What makes these filters unique?

Better grease retention
The 8-layer filters are optimized to capture more grease particles and cooking residues. This means less grease buildup inside the hood.

Motor protection:
A clean motor is an efficient motor. These filters drastically reduce grease accumulation inside the hood, protecting the motor and extending the hood’s lifespan. This improves its performance and minimizes long-term issues, saving you time and money on maintenance.

Easy and convenient maintenance:
Worried about cleaning the filters? Don’t be. While these filters are more efficient, they remain just as easy to clean. They are dishwasher-safe, meaning you won’t have to spend extra time keeping them spotless. Simply place them in the dishwasher following Frecan’s instructions, and you’re good to go.

It’s not just about performance

Design matters too. These new filters are made of stainless steel, a material that not only offers durability but also enhances the design of our ceiling hoods. With a clean and elegant finish, these filters perfectly complement our hoods, embodying the quality and design that define Frecan.

What does this mean for you?

  • Stress-free cooking: Improved grease retention means less buildup in the hood and less effort cleaning it.
  • Long-term peace of mind: Motor protection ensures the hood operates efficiently for longer.
  • Time savings: Dishwasher-safe filters make maintenance effortless.

Discover more about Frecan ceiling hoods.

¿Sabías que el Motor 360º Espiral ahora es más silencioso que nunca?

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